Take a tour of the farm!
My husband Bert and I moved to a 10 acre property outside Portland, Oregon in 2021. We named it Paint Water Farm because, well, every home should have a name, right?
Sandy is a picturesque town along the historic Oregon Trail.
We love living at the gateway to Mt Hood and keep busy hiking, kayaking and just taking in the amazing natural beauty the Mt Hood wilderness has to offer.

My Art Studio
I've had a few different home studios in my life as my art business has evolved. I first started painting at my dining room table, then moved to a tiny renovated laundry room and then eventually transformed our garage into a studio. Paint Water Farm is the first studio I've had that allows me to keep my business life separate from my home life! No more shipping supplies in my kitchen- huzzah!
While I love my studio here at Paint Water Farm, having many different creative spaces over the years has taught me that creativity can flourish anywhere and you don't need a fancy studio to make meaningful art. Some of my most popular prints were created at my dining room table!
My favorite part about my studio is that it's big enough for my furry studio assistants, Rocket and Stevie (Nicks) to hang out with me as I work!

Garden Tour
Being the latest stewards of these ten acres in rural Oregon keeps us in sync with the land, and rhythm of the natural world. This land is home to a herd of elk, deer, coyotes, bobcats and I'm sure the occasional mountain lion and bear although we've never seen them!
Creating a garden here means creating a space, an ecosystem, that exists in harmony with the other cute and rather nibbly residents like rabbits, moles, deer and two dogs who love to dig! It's a labor of love!
There is nothing better than enjoying our garden at dawn, coffee in hand, and watching a young coyote jog across the property, looking back for a quick moment before heading on her way into the forest.

Life on Paint Water Farm celebrates the gifts each season has to offer.
Enjoy these seasonal mini journals as a free gift from me!