Hey friends!
Well winter is in full swing over here at Paint Water Farm which means I've got my gardening books strewn about the house and am swimming (delightfully) in seed catalogs. I love winter but after months of snow and grey skies I start pining for my garden again.
Part of what keeps me sane is getting out my garden binder and planning for the season ahead.
I'm looking forward to the coming weeks, the alchemy, the magical transformation from winter to spring. In the depths of winter I remind myself that there's an energy that's just under the surface and that first hint of warmth after a long winter is almost here.
I find myself drawn outside at the first glimpse of sunshine, pulled to my plants.
But not quite yet. :)
This is what I'm looking forward to:
Watching that video is sooooooo satisfying when you see the before and after pictures! Never before have I created a garden this large from scratch and I have to say I love the way it is growing and evolving over the years.
No matter what season you're in and wherever you are, there's no time like the present to start getting your garden organized!
What I love about this printable garden planner is that it covers every aspect of my garden (it's 38 pages!) and I can print the pages again and again as my garden grows over the years. I also love keeping it in binder form so I can add to it over time.
You can read how I keep my garden journal binder here.
You can read all my gardening posts here.
You can shop for plant lover gifts here.
Click here to get your printable garden planner!
Happy gardening!
thank you
You have a wonderful garden
Little Truths Studio replied:
Thank you kindly! It’s a labor of love. :)
Thank you :)
Little Truths Studio replied:
You are welcome. I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you for sharing the video of your beautiful garden. I’m so inspired.
Little Truths Studio replied:
Thank you Cindy! I’ve had to watch that video a few times just to remember that SOON growing season will begin. It WILL happen lol. Happy gardening!
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