The Big Thing I'm Working On Right Now

Hey friends!

I've been working obsessively over the last several weeks on a really personal project and I want to give you a sneak peek!

You may know about the workbook I used to offer called The Unfolding. Well I'm launching it as an online course on January 1st!

The Unfolding comes from my own experience of moving into and planting my feet squarely in midlife. It's been a time of transformation, of learning and unlearning, of letting go of things that no longer serve me and welcoming what is to come. It's about change. It's about alchemy. It's powerful stuff and I'm here for it.

“Midlife: when the Universe grabs your shoulders and tells you “I’m not f-ing around, use the gifts you were given.”

~ Brené Brown

In my 30s I was cruising along, pretty much on autopilot, when I started feeling something percolating in my soul. In my 40s I started to understand that I am on a speeding train and that speeding train is my life. How did a decade go by?? What am I doing here? How did I let my self, my life get so small? I had settled into a comfortable yet watered down version of me. Don't get me wrong, I was happy and secure but I had to ask, what if I want....more? What if I have things I need to say? Ideas I want to bring to life?

So I started to really pay attention to my life. And what began was an unfolding, an unveiling. A sort of coming home to myself and it feels really good. Midlife offers an opportunity for deep reflection and meaning and by refocusing my awareness and energy I feel like I've slowed down the speeding train. At least a little bit.

And with this focus and attention I can see what I want and there's just so much I want! And it's not only about bucket list-type stuff. Yes, I have a bucket list: I want to visit Japan one day and I want to travel around in a camper van with my kayak. But it's also about finding the beauty and the sacred in the mundane stuff that makes up most of my life. Yes my life will always have dentist appointments and trips to the grocery store. Bert and I will still rent carpet cleaners and have in-depth conversations about raisin bran. But I want...more. I want to feel alive, the most alive version of myself I can be. 

So yeah, that's what The Unfolding online course is about. And it feels weird to be launching a course since it's something I've never done but maybe that's what midlife is about too? Doing things you didn't think you'd ever do? But yes, I may or may not have googled, "How to have a successful product launch when you really don't like the idea of having to launch products." Or "How to promote your online course when you don't like talking about yourself or anything that feels too market-y."

You can watch the intro video here

I'll be posting more updates throughout December. The Unfolding launches January 1st!


  • Kate

    I’m so excited to learn more about this unfolding course. Your post really resonates with me.
    Little Truths Studio replied:
    Yay! I love hearing this! More info coming soon and it will be available January 1. :)

  • Laura Bray

    I’m so excited to see this project come into the world. I know it’s going to help a lot of women as they transition into the next stage of their lives!
    Little Truths Studio replied:
    Thank you my friend. I’m so happy you are a contributor too.

  • Erin

    You are so my girl. :)
    Can’t wait to learn as you unfold your program!
    Little Truths Studio replied:
    Awwww, I love hearing that. I’d love to have you join. :)

    Kindest regards, Lori Roberts Art & Illustration web: Little Truths Studio <> || instagram @little_truths_studio <>

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Hi Friends!

I’m Lori Roberts

At the heart of Little Truths Studio is a shared journey. To be better humans. To make the world more beautiful with our actions and intentions. To declare our values into being. I speak these truths through gentle art, thoughtful words and a desire to embrace a slower, kinder way of life. Learn more about me >