Well it's a balmy beginning of December around these parts so of course I'm outside hurriedly planting the last of my daffodil bulbs. Is there any other way one plants spring blooming bulbs:
1. Buy three times as many as you thought you did.
2. Say indignantly: "Who buys this many bulbs???"
3. Wait until the very last minute to plant them.
I decided to go a little bolder this year with my daffodils so I got
these and
these and
these . Come spring, after months of grey skies, these bright beauties will start popping through the snow. I've learned to anticipate and plan ahead for my end-of-winter blahs and absolute longing for something green.
This is my usual routine: I'm so ready for winter and look forward to the first snow. And I do pretty well for about the first 6 weeks. Then, the grey days seem to be never ending, and I start pining for sun and
my garden. It's a struggle for me to stay present and find gifts in winter when all I can think about is my garden! So I rely on journaling in the winter months to keep me grounded and present.
Are you ready for winter? What are your favorite aspects of the season? To get you geared up to think about seasonal gratitude, the winter solstice and intentions for the year ahead, I have some p
rintable journaling/coloring pages for you. Enjoy!
I’m always excited to see a new email from you!
So appreciate the colour, the sweetness, and realness. I am touched and inspired by your creativity and honesty. From my heart to yours, many thanks. Here’s to the best about winter and bringing life and colour as your garden rests. Picturing your daffodils already! Lynne
Little Truths Studio replied:
Hi Lynne! What a lovely, thoughtful comment, thank you. And thank you for being here, for reading. Happy to connect with you.:)
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